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new hair & outfit!

Hey iedereen!

IK HEB MIJN HAAR GEKNIPT! Na twee jaar lang mijn bob te hebben gedragen (kort aan de achterkant, naar voren aflopend) merkte ik dat ik de laatste paar maanden alleen maar knotjes droeg. Ik was het helemaal zat, dus besloot ik afgelopen zaterdag iets drastisch te doen: alles eraf! Ik vond een plaatje van ELLE’s nieuwe haartrends voor 2014 en deed inspiratie op. Ik vond dit plaatje:

En besloot dat dat hem zou worden. Liefde op het eerste gezicht. Ik was ontzettend zenuwachtig, maar ben nu ontzettend blij met het resultaat. Heerlijk licht, makkelijk, easy going, stoer en toch vrouwelijk. Laat me weten wat jullie vinden! ;)

Ik draag mijn zwarte disco pants van The Style Lion, hij zit echt retestrak en daardoor voel ik me er echt geweldig in, haha. De burgundy gebreide trui komt van de Monki, lekker een paar maten te groot en ik verzuip erin, maar oh wat is ‘ie lekker warm en wat is het toch een heerlijke kleur. Tot slot draag ik de Doc Martens die zo ongeveer aan mijn voeten vergroeid zijn;)

Laat me weten wat jullie vinden!


Hi everyone!

I CUT MY HAIR! I had enough of my medium bob, which I have had for two years now. I noticed I was only wearing a bun lately, so last Saturday I decided to go all the way and shave the sides of my head. I’m so happy with it, I think it took some nerve to just go and do it, but now I love every bit of it! Tell me what you think!;)

I am wearing some disco pants and a burgundy knitted sweater. And my Doc Martens who never seem to be getting off my feet  ;)

Let me know what you think!

Pants: The Style Lion
Sweater: Monki
Shoes: Doc Martens 
Accessoires: Vanilia

flowers and knits

hi everyone!!

Vandaag vond ik het tijd om mijn meest zwierige rok aan te trekken: ik voel me meteen 60 jaar terug in de tijd gaan als ik deze rok aantrek. Heerlijk!

Met een lekkere chunky trui en een paar subtiele sieraden vind ik hem het mooist gecombineerd.

Wat vinden jullie? Ik ben benieuwd!!

Today I thought the time was right to pull off my most graceful skirt. When i put it  on it feels like im 60 years back in time, I love it!
Combined with a nice chunky sweater and a few subtle jewelry items I think is the best combination.

What do you think? I'm dying to know!

Skirt: Vintage
Sweater: Vanilia
Shoes: Clark’s Desert boots

Photography by: Pieter Bosch

purple & tie dye

hi everybody!

A late happy new year wishes for everybody!

Today I am wearing my favorite cardigan. I fell in love with it during a dutch festival last summer, perfect for winter!

What do you think? Let me know!

Photography by: Pieter Bosch

Made possible by the unconditional love from my dear Emma Maes

liebster award nomination !!!

OH!! Ik ben genomineerd voor de Liebster Award! Door de lieve 'That Allurement Gal', dankjewel!!

OH!! I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! By dear 'That Allurement Gal', thank you so much! I love your blog!
I was not expecting this at all since I only started blogging in the previous year. 
Visit her blog here:

These are the rules:
1.     The Liebster award is given by bloggers to other bloggers with less than 200 followers
2.     You must share 11 random facts about yourself
3.     Nominees must link back to the blog who nominated them
4.     You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominating blogger
5.     Choose 10 new bloggers you would love to nominate for this award and link them in this post
6.     Create 10 new Liebster questions for your nominees to answer
7.     You must go to the blogs of your nominees to notify them

11 random facts about me

1.     i am a dreamer. My head is always in the clouds.
2.     i  have two dogs
3.     i  am addicted to brushing my teeth.
4.     i  own a Volkswagen Beatle from the year 1968.
5.     i  hope to be in a Disney movie once. Yes, i know i am not a cartoon.
6.     i  live my life wearing leggings.
7.     i  am the biggest Michael Jackon fan in the world.
8.     i  would love to live in Tuscany, Italy.
9.     i  would love to style houses. 
1-    i  have a fashion twin sister, sometimes it still scares me if we show up somewehere dressed exactly the same.

My answers to Allurement Gal’s questions:
Who inspires you?

Kate Moss, she is always so cool. And I think I have to confess that it would be the Olsen sisters. That includes Elizabeth too!

What was the first beauty product that blew you away?

It’s by a dutch brand called ‘Catrice’. It’s a budget brand, but it works absolutely amazing! I started up with the foundation cream, and now I have lots of Catrice items in my purse.

What is your favourite make up brand?

Chanel, to me it’s the premium brand. Every mascara, foundation and other products are simply amazing, long lasting and ofcourse really pretty!

Which country would you like to travel to, to discover new beauty products to try?

I think it would be America, because I read all kinds of other blogs reviewing about their make up and i never can seem to buy those items at home. So that would definetely be it! Germany has really good products and brands too.

What is your favourite nail polish shade?

There is always Riviera Red from Essie, but in winter i switch to a darker shade of red. Burgundy and reallly dark brown are my favorites.

Who is your top beauty guru?

Allthatglitter21 by Elle. She is so beautiful and prepares the best looks I’ve ever seen.

What inspired you to start a blog?

To me, it’s a way to express my creativities. I am a writer, columnist, fashion lover and image-lover. This combined is my blog, so I don’t have to bore my friends with my inspiration anymore ;)

Which high street clothing brand do you love?

I must say ACNE. I think it's really minimalistic, which I love. Wearable and fun is key for my style.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love my red wine bottle. A day.

What is your lipstick of choice at the moment?

It’s a matte red lipstick from KIKO, a German brand. It hydrates but looks matte, really amazing, sticks for hours!!

And here are my questions for the nominees!:

1.     Do you want a career in fashion?
2.     How does blogging affect your life?
3.     How would you describe your personal style?
4.     What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
5.     What do you think is the next big trend thing for 2014 ?
6.     What do you think of wearing all black?
7.     Who is your role model?
8.     What is your favorite fashion weather season of the year?
9.     What  do you think is the ugliest trend of the past ten years on fashion?
1.    What’s first on your musthave wishlist?

Blogs I nominated:

Take a look at these fabulous blogs and visit That Allurement Gal's blog too!