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Today i was wearing one of my most favorite items: this striped dress. I love the combination of a nice long dress with just a simple tee knotted up in the waist. I think this Vogue - Netherlands tee and the dress create a really nice colorpalette. Together with the sneakers it's makes quite a casual look. 

What do you think? 

Dress: Mango
T shirt: Vogue NL
Shoes: Nike
Bag: Vanilia

XOXO, daphny

velvet & denim

Some bohemian pieces that make my life better.... 

I borrowed this dress from my friend, she got it from a thrift shop. Together with the denim jacket, the scarf and some jewellery, it makes an bohemian explosion. 
I know what I'm packing this festival season! 

Oh and have you met mr. Morgan? It's my fluffy dog that is always right by my side <3 !


Dress: vintage
Jacket : Levi's

Photography by Emma Maes

XOXO, daphny

lyocell dream

hi everybody!

Long time no see, but happy news: my tests are over for this year! So hello summer for me!

Remember my faaaaaabulous wishlist from last month? See it here. Guess what!?

So I got a H&M giftcard last christmas (!) from the boyfriend but I kept on forgetting to actually bring it with me every time (every time!) I go shopping. But yesterday, I actually did.
Me and the girlfriend walked into this store, and there it was: my dream! Since I am saving for the holidays this summer I promised myself not to buy anymore clothes, so this giftcard really rescued me.
It's this amazing lyocell mix that makes me so happy, it just floats around my body the way I actually want it too. It's really magic.

What do you think!?

Share your thoughts with me please!

Coat: H&M
Shoes: Primark
Shorts: Levi's
Blouse: Zara

Photography by Emma Maes

XOXO, daphny

flower flatforms!

Casual: there's nothing wrong with that!
So I figured: high waist jeans (check), a cropped sweatshirt (check), and some ubercute flowerflaotforms (check!), and I'm ready to go!

Check out my look here!

Pants: The Dude
Shirt: H&M
Flatforms: H&M

Photography by: Jojanneke Vonk

XOXO, daphny